I met a guy tonight... Tony... He writes fake letters to you name the company. One of his letters was a complaint to a soap company about how he only has 96 parts to wash with Lever 2000. They sent him a letter back and two cases of soap. He did 36ish other fake letters in three months before he got bored with it... Sometimes he got you're an idiot responses back... sometimes he got real deal PR responses back. He's got millions of hits... Six million hits? 16 million hits... I can't remember... Either way for fuck's sake.. The guy knows how to talk.
I tracked down one of his letters.
And then... The gang met up with Tom and Michelle tonight. They were out from Chicago for a look see. Last time we saw them was in Mexico 2010. When I say we I mean there were 10 of us - that's the gang. After Mexico we'd always promised to get together again and here we were doing it. And then we drank. And then we watched the Blackhawks beat the fucking Bruins to win the cup in a crazy ass finish. And then we drank. And then we had a dance off. Yeah... From soap to dope... Good times. And scene..
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