A multicrystalline cell measures 156 mm on a side and there are 60 per module. Average module power is about 200 Watt so you need 5 modules per kW. There are 100 GW of photoelectrics installed Globally. That's one hundred million kW made up of around 30 billion solar cells. Solar modules would cover nearly 750 square kilometers if laid flat, Photoelectrics currently supply a little over one half of one percent of the world's demand for electricity. We should hit the1% supply mark in a little over a year.
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In 10 years over 1000 GW of photoelectrics could be installed globally supplying over 5% of the world's electricity and generating a trillion dollars in economic activity. A Generation from now over 15% of the world's electricity could come from sunshine - Over 30% in 30.
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