article notes the SEIA has recently taken a non-neutral position regarding the AD/CVD case against Chinese solar cells. Personally, I think the SEIA should have taken a stand back in October rather than doublespeaking themselves out of a situation they should have been directly involved in. That said, it's good to see the SEIA finally waking up to the fact that the industry they represent is overwhelmingly against imposing these boneheaded tariffs. Maybe the SEIA has figured out that this CASM sideshow diverts attention away from much more important matters like, for example, driving down system costs in step with subsidy phaseouts. Maybe, just maybe, the SEIA reacognizes this detour is taking the industry in the wrong direction. It would be nice if the SEIA followed up this non-neutral AD/CVD position by taking a more progressive stance on several other issues facing the industry such as tax fraud, sustainable deployment policies, etc. It should be clear that status quo strategies will not take this industry into the future.
The SEIA would do well to look up and learn from the history of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). INPO was formed in the aftermath of Three Mile Island. INPO is composed of experienced members from the nuclear community whose mission it is to identify and promote industry best practices. It would be nice if the SEIA stepped up efforts to proactively steward the industry before, rather than after, a TMI type event occurs.
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